Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Our Concept

After deciding a trailer would not be suitable we decided to make a short film.

Our concept comes from a drama genre with elements of fantasy. We have chosen one main character of who will face a choice. Our character Lucas (late 20's) begins his journey at a train station on the way to a job interview. There he gets two flash forwards of two different paths he can take. The whole narrative revolves around these two flash forwards and follows Lucas's life in two extremely different narratives.

At that moment his first flash forward begins where a woman falls in front of him tripping and dropping all of her stuff. The train is about to leave and Lucas dashes forward past the woman and jumps on the train. His second path he stops and helps the woman up but missing his train. We then see his two lives, one life where he gets an amazing  job and has a lot of money, a nice car, we see elements of his life as a rich man but his loneliness. His next life the woman who he helps turns out to be the love of his life we see the second option of being happily married in an average home, yet facing struggling to pay for bills.

 Both flash forwards end with a letter being opened, the first life being a letter for a huge bonus cheque however he has no-one to celebrate it. The other life we see him open a letter with photos of their baby scans of which he celebrates with his wife. The ending shot consists of the lasting choice and the beginning shot is repeated where the woman falls and he has to make his choice however the initial choice is not revealed and left down to the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Good explanation of your concept Honor. You might want to use the word narrative somewhere and make a reference to the inspiration for the concept.
