Monday, 13 December 2010

Media theorist and Representations

In our short film we have used two representations of lives. This could link to the theorist Karl Marx, he was the founder of communism and suggested that capitalism societies brain washed everyone into thinking it was good for them. This can link to the media as powerful rich individuals in the media are able to present what they want in the media for the mass to view. This can be clearly seen in one section of our film where we represent a way of life; a rich successful one. Here we are quite obviously representing a capitalist society and the benefits with it, e.g a large house and nice possessions. However in our view we show our main character as being lonely and not fully satisfied with his life and possibly undermining capitalism.
In our other representation of a family life we have given a representation of a woman. Our film is directed is potentially targeted to a female audience so there is no need to angle our film to the male mind as it would not appeal to women; the male gaze theory.
In some ways our short film can be presented in the frame of mind that we have created these steroypical lives and kept to all aspects of the sterotypes. We have used this possibly because like many other film producers sterotypes are a good way of getting a message across quickly and easily.

Looking at our short film through a feminists eyes you would get the view that Grace is a passive character and in many ways she is, the todorov theory would fit her into the princess type character. This then gives her a slightly bad representation of a woman as she is not powerful or dominating.

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